When it comes to choosing paint and crayons for my daughter, I always look for the washable and non-toxic types and my go-to brand for my daughter was Crayola. It was recommended to me back then and I’ve made repurchases of their washable and non-toxic products. It was my second time buying their washable paint and it really is easy to wash off.
If your toddler loves to color like my toddler, then having washable markers and paints is a must since they sometimes unleash their artistic tendencies onto the sofa and the tables.
Crayola boasts of an ultra-clean feature which means that their products that are marked as ultra-clean can wash off from the skin, furniture, common household surfaces, and even painted walls. True to their claim, it’s pretty easy to clean off their products even from painted walls.
Vibrant Colors
Apart from being super easy to wash and non-toxic, I love how vibrant their paints and markers are. I’m not sure if it’s because I grew up using Crayola as a child but I really think their coloring materials are superb and it’s my top choice of brand when it comes to choosing coloring materials for my daughter.
Crayola Ultra Clean Washable Fine Line Markers, 40 Colors
P2,400 P1200
Crayola Crayons, 24 Colors
P114 P68Crayola Super Tips Washable Markers, 20 Colors
P400 P280
Crayola Silly Scents Chisel Tip Markers, 6 Colors
P640 P480
I've also gotten free printables from Crayola's website before, if you don't have coloring books, you check it out. They even have Disney characters for their free coloring printables.
We'll definitely be getting the 20 washable markers since my daughter loves to use her markers to draw on the sofa. She keeps drawing balloons with smiley faces on the sofa and the drawings itself are as large as real balloons (lol). It seems to be a really good buy since 20 markers are only P280, making it P14 for each marker.
Get up to 50% off on Crayola’s grand launch from October 26-November 1 on Shopee
Apart from getting 50% off on Crayola’s products, you can also take advantage of their shop vouchers to get an extra 5%, 7%, or 10% off on Crayola products.
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